Terms of Divorce in New York City
Making Your Uncontested Divorce Work for You
One of the worst aspects of getting a divorce is that it often leaves one or both of the spouses deeply unsatisfied with the final result. When you take your divorce to court, the family law judge who decides on matters such as the custody of your children and the division of your shared property may have extensive experience with the law, but he or she is not the most qualified person to decide on such personal affairs. Unfortunately, if your divorce is decided in court you will have to abide by the terms of the final decree which is delivered by the judge.
Why should anyone but you and your spouse be given the power to determine who your children will live with, who gets the house and whether either of you will pay spousal maintenance? This is one of the best reasons to pursue an uncontested divorce: it allows you and your spouse to stay in charge of the outcome of the divorce so that you can walk away from the situation with terms that work for you. Contact our New York City divorce attorney today!
Deciding the Terms of Your Divorce
In an uncontested divorce, you and your spouse will sit down across the negotiating table to work out the terms of:
- Child custody
- Visitation
- Child support
- Division of assets / debts
- Payment of spousal support
The outcome of these negotiations will be up to you. Before you can get the divorce finalized, you will have to submit the proposed settlement agreement to the judge, who will review the arrangements you have made to ensure that they are in line with the provisions of state law.
For example, the parenting plan must be clearly in the best interests of the children, and your agreements on the division of property must meet the criteria of equitable distribution so that neither party is left in serious hardship after the divorce. By and large, however, you and your spouse will be able to decide how the divorce is settled, based on your own needs and expectations.
Speak with a NYC Uncontested Divorce Lawyer Now
If it is important to you to stay in control of the final outcome of your divorce, come to H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. for help. A New York City uncontested divorce attorney from our team is ready to meet with you for a Free Case Evaluation to discuss your concerns and priorities in the divorce, and we can help you get started on the process without any delay.
You must first be able to meet the minimum eligibility requirements, but now that New York is a no-fault divorce state it is possible to file for divorce as soon as you can demonstrate that the marriage has been irretrievably broken for at least six months. Need an attorney for your divorce in New York City?