New York City Felony DWI Lawyer
Fighting Felony DWI Charges in New York City
Searching for a criminal lawyer for felony DWI in New York City? In New York City, a DWI charge can be filed when it is believed that a driver is operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content at .08% or higher; and at lesser percentages for commercial drivers and underage drivers.
A first time charge for DWI will be filed as a misdemeanor unless it is alleged that you were driving drunk and responsible for causing an auto accident with serious bodily injury or death, in which case felony charges will be filed against you.
Facing felony DWI charges? Turn to H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. for the defense you deserve. Contact us today!
Penalties for Felony DWI in New York
Your legal situation is also very dangerous if a second DWI charge is filed against you within 10 years of a first conviction. A second time DWI will be filed as class E felony. The consequences of a felony conviction last a lifetime.
You will spend the rest of your life as a convicted felon, may be restricted from holding certain professional licenses, and will face difficulties in getting a job or a loan. You will also be serving up to 4 years in prison, up to $5,000 in fines, and a 1 year driver's license revocation.
Get Defense For Your Felony DWI Charges Today
Need an attorney for a felony DWI case in NYC? Due to the extremely serious consequences of a felony DWI conviction, you owe it to yourself to do everything possible to reduce the possibility of a conviction. If you are facing felony DWI/DUI charge, get in touch with H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. prior to your arraignment. The earlier our firm gets involved in your case the better. We will carefully review all of the details of your case, from the police stop, through to sobriety testing, blood or breath testing, the arrest procedure and statements, reports or other evidence.