24-Hour Arraignments in New York City
Handling Your Arraignment in Criminal Court
When a person is arrested for a criminal offense, they will be brought before a judge within 24 hours for an arraignment. At the arraignment, a prosecutor from the district attorney's office will announce the defendant’s charges. The judge will then decide whether the person should be released until the case concludes or kept in jail until it has been resolved.
A person can be released from jail in two different ways: By posting bail or on their own recognizance. If a person is released on their own recognizance, they are expected to appear at their next court date. Or, a judge will set a bail amount to ensure the person returns to court after their release.
Several factors determine the bail amount, including:
- The type of criminal charges
- The defendant's prior criminal record
- Any history of failing to appear in court
- Current address
- Current employment
- Family and community ties
In addition to reading the charges against the defendant, the prosecution will also present the facts surrounding the arrest. In situations where the prosecution requests that the court keep the defendant in jail, a New York City arraignment attorney can challenge the prosecution's case and seek the release of their client. An arraignment lawyer also argue for reduced bail amounts.
Enlist the Help of a New York Arraignment Lawyer
H. Benjamin Perez & Associates, P.C. is an experienced New York City criminal defense attorney that has successfully represented many clients at their arraignments. When you choose us to advocate on your behalf, we will aggressively attack the prosecution's charges and represent your best interests in court.
H. Benjamin Perez is a member of the New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the New York State Bar Association, Federal Bar Council and the Dominican Bar Association. As such, our firm provides capable representation at arraignment hearings that you can depend on. Contact us at (646) 770-0989 for prompt legal assistance and representation at your arraignment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!